Our Board

The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority is a statutory authority governed by a Board of Directors and operates under the Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Act 2020.

The Victorian Government appointed a new board for the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority in December 2024.

The Authority is the dedicated parks manager for the Great Ocean Road coast and parks and is a key part of the Victorian Government’s landmark reforms to achieve holistic management and protection of this special part of Victoria.

Having a dedicated parks manager with its values enshrined in law is unique and testament to the significance of the management challenges and the importance of this coastline to all Victorians.

The Board brings extensive experience in governance of public entities and parks management including environmental science and conservation, outdoor recreation and delivery of capital works projects, with many working and living in the region.

Board Communiqué

Our Board is committed to best practice governance and values open and accountable communication with the Authority’s stakeholders. Following each of our six annual Board meetings, a Board Communiqué is issued to provide an overview of the current issues and challenges considered by the Board during that meeting.


Statement of Expectations

To help achieve the management reforms outlined in the Great Ocean Road Action Plan, this Statement of Expectations (SOE) outlines the Minister for Environment's expectation that the Authority focuses on five priority areas in the performance of its functions:

  1. Operations excellence in parks management
  2. First People’s self-determination
  3. Visitor enjoyment and appreciation
  4. Community engagement
  5. Financial sustainability.

To read the full SOE please click below.