Apollo Bay Airfield


Apollo Bay Airfield is managed by the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority and is designated as an aeroplane landing area.

While the Apollo Bay Airfield sits within land managed by the Authority, the Authority takes no responsibility for the safety of people on board or for damage incurred to aircraft. The onus is on pilots to ensure these airfields are suitable for landing.

We encourage and advise pilots check local weather conditions with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and conduct a precautionary air search of the airfield before landing. See below for further information about each airfield.

Extreme Caution - Soft Runway Edges

Where is Apollo Bay Airfield?

Telford Road, Marengo, about 1.5 nautical miles south west of Apollo Bay

How many runways?

One sealed runway, classified as 09/27. The runway is about 740 metres long and six metres wide and has two per cent incline to the west. It is effectively a two-way strip but it’s important for visiting pilots to note that right hand turns are sometimes made by departing aircraft under certain operational conditions when necessary.

Is NOTAM available?

No, Apollo Bay Airfield does not have Notice to Airman available, meaning pilots do not receive information about potential hazards at the airfield or on a flight route.

Is the airfield staffed?

Yes, the airfield operates scenic flights and so is attended at certain times. Contact the airfield on (03) 5237 7600 for more information.

Are there landing fees?

There’s no set landing fees but users can make voluntary payments into a collection box (a locked steel pipe) located airside to the car park gate. Voluntary payments go towards ongoing maintenance and upgrades by the Authority.


Other information

  • Local weather conditions can be challenging so take caution for turbulence and wind shear. Grassed areas can be extremely soft in winter and spring
  • Fuel is not available at Apollo Bay Airfield
  • Both helicopters and aeroplanes operate from the airfield
  • Radio air traffic information is available through the common traffic advisory frequency, on VHF 126.7
  • Pilots can leave aircraft at the airfield overnight at their own risk.
For more information about these airfields, contact the Authority on 1300 736 533