Port of Lorne

The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority  manages the Port of Lorne on behalf of the Department of Transport.


Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority was appointed under the Port Management Act 1995 to be the port manager for the Port of Lorne and under this Act has the following functions:

  • To manage the operations of the port, particularly with respect to shipping and boating activities in the port, with a view to ensuring that those operations are carried out safely, efficiently and effectively;
  • To provide, develop and maintain port facilities, including wharves, jetties, slipways, breakwaters, moorings, buildings and vehicle parks;
  • To provide, develop and maintain, in accordance with any relevant standards developed by the Director of Transport Safety, navigational aids in the port;
  • To carry out the functions and powers of a local authority in respect of any State waters within the port;
  • To provide, develop and maintain, in accordance with any relevant standards developed by the Director of Transport Safety, navigation channels in the port;
  • To manage the operations of the port, and the construction and operation of port facilities and navigation channels in a manner that minimises the risk of environmental damage;
  • To participate in the control of marine and land pollution in the port as a relevant statutory authority under the Victorian component of the National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and Other Noxious and Hazardous Substances;
  • To allocate and manage moorings and berths in the port;
  • To exercise any other functions of the port manager of a local port under the Port Management Act or any other Act
  • To undertake dredging as per Section 44E of the Port Management Act 1995.

The Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015 gives the port manager the power to authorise activities such as:

  • Setting aside areas in which a specified activity is permitted;
  • Prohibiting or restricting activities or access to certain areas;
  • Fishing related activities;
  • Movement of vessels, goods or other things;
  • Discharge of explosives or fireworks
  • Commercial activities;
  • Special events e.g., triathlons, yachting regattas and the like;
  • Carrying out of works;
  • Mooring, berthing  and anchoring of vessels in local port waters.