Cliff Safety Reminder – Demons Bluff and Grinders Area, Anglesea
Published on 22 December 2023
Cliff Safety Reminder– Demons Bluff and Grinders Area, Anglesea
We’re urging all locals and visitors to please be cautious when accessing our coastline and surrounding areas over summer.
A large crack has appeared in the cliffs in the closed section of beach near Demons Bluff and Grinders in Victoria. There’s an increased cliff risk in this location and no one should enter the area either at beach level or cliff tops outside of the Surf Coast Walk which remains safe for public access.
As always, we ask the community to be safe on the coast, follow signage and be guided by these simple messages when around cliffs:
- Stay away – from cliffs and caves
- Stick to – established tracks
- See the signs – and follow official guidance
- Share the word – warn others
We remind you that the beach at Demons Bluff Anglesea remains permanently closed due to cliff safety risks.
The Authority has a strong team on the ground implementing measures from our prepared cliff response plan. Further information can be found on our website : Cliff Risk Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (